The values that we promote... offer more than 600 selected ingredients, that are carefully developed, composed and conditioned, in full transparence, in correspondence with our values, as confirmed by and respected through the labels for "Biogarantie" and "Ecogarantie". We work daily to propose the best products and always at the best prices. know just how important transparency is, as well as the care and dedication in transforming our produce before arriving in your aisles or plates. All our produce comes from organic farming, and fully respect the consumers of the planet. Our labels are printed on site that gather information on all traced origins of every product., we also guarantee to keep everything to a minimum in terms of packaging and the use of recyclable and even partially compostable containers. offers you a wide range of organic products. We do not give into short term fads and trends. We are constantly looking for new ideas and remain attentive to the requests of our partners and consumers. Une flexibilité que nous appliquons aussi à nos compositions et à tous les conditionnements et contenants de nos produits, disponibles à la pièce pour nos revendeurs., we have a tribal-size team that is always at your service. We keep things local to meet the expectations of independent specialist stores, both for the preparation of orders and for deliveries. We strive to reduce our ecological footprint and limit waste management.

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  • S.R.L
  • BE0424.053.316
  • P.A.E. Plenesses
  • Rue Zénobe Gramme, 1
  • 4821 Dison-Andrimont
  • Belgium